Your footprint,
Our future

Our Story

Over the years, we’ve noticed that many people aren’t fully aware of both the devastating global effects of climate change and their own personal influence on the planet. With this in mind, a solution was in store as we posed a question: how can we help people better understand what they can do about the crisis and make a difference? We wanted to reach as many people as possible, leading us to consider a digital means for anyone to play their part in saving our planet. And so, Veridian was born.

We’re an environmental organization dedicated to protecting our planet from the worsening threat of climate change. We help individuals and organizations track their carbon footprints through our online system designed to inform anyone of their environmental impacts. With this information, we give you resources and aim to guide you along your journey to become more sustainable for the sake of earth.

Engaging with the UN’s Climate Neutral Now Pledge, our mission has been supported and aided by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Everyone has a part to play in protecting our planet – let’s work together for each other, and our future!

What’s Up With the World?


It’s no secret that climate change is one of the greatest threats humanity has ever faced. In 2018, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned that the worst impacts of climate change could be irreversible by 2030 and climate change is threatening as many as one million species with extinction in the next few years.

Everyone on earth has a part to play in earth’s future and we’re all capable of reducing our carbon footprints to make our own difference in the fight against climate change; even the smallest of adjustments to your lifestyle can massively reduce your environmental impacts! So, we want to make sure we are able to make everybody as aware of their carbon footprints as possible so that everybody can play their part in building a better, and more sustainable, future. Veridian can help anybody easily educate themselves on the climate crisis and manage their footprint, and we hope that we’re able to support you on your own eco-friendly journeys.

While we all have a part to play, some work falls on the shoulders of bigger fish, such as businesses and schools. We’ve started Veridian Sprouts, a program encouraging schools to make use of Veridian as we guide them towards their goals of carbon neutrality. By working with teachers and students around the UK, we’re hoping to help schools implement little changes that’ll go a long way. Veridian Sprouts brings lessons into schools dedicated to educating youth on climate change and eco-challenges that will lead members of school communities to work towards living a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. Together, we can all build a better future for us and our planet.

Climate Neutral Now Pledge

We have partnered with the UNFCCC and are committed to the Climate Neutral Now Pledge launched by UN Climate Change in 2015. This pledge hopes to encourage everybody to take action in helping the world become carbon neutral by 2050 – as enshrined in the Paris Agreement.

In accordance with the Climate Neutral Now Pledge, we are committed to:

  • Measuring our greenhouse gas emissions/carbon footprints;
  • Reducing them as much as possible through our own actions;
  • Compensating emissions which cannot be currently avoided by using UN certified emission reductions (CERs) – a type of carbon credits


Calculate Your Carbon Footprint

Our calculators allow any and everyone to quantify and track their carbon footprint so that they are aware of their environmental impact. Personal and organisation-wide targets can then be set based on results and we offer a range of resources that help when taking those first steps to carbon neutrality.

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